I remember as a Post-doc in the Netherlands, I was enrolled at the University, opened a bank account and registered myself as a resident in the city hall all in less than an hour. Everything was so easy, each procedure was electronic and in english. It’s not the same music here in Lille. My foreigner students sometimes get trapped in administrative loopholes and when they do not master the language is not obvious how to get things done. This is the reason why Hamidreza Ardeshiri, one of our senior PhD students in the group decided to write a How-to document to Lille 1 University. I like to post it here for the future generations. Thanks Hamid! The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lille 1
Month: October 2015
Fête de la science 2015
This year together with Stefano Berti we decided to be active in the “Fête de la science 2015“ the french celebration of vulgarisation of scientific research. We had a lot of fun presenting for two afternoons to visitors of every age and background our stand dedicated to “Mécanique des fluides et complexité dans la dynamique de l’atmosphère”. Our poster can be found here [pdf]

China connection
What we did in Xiamen, China apart from visiting our friend Yongxiang Huang? You can read the account of Francois Schmitt on the issue 20 of the magazine “Le CNRS en Chine“.