Read about our recent work on planktonic population dynamics around an obstacle in open flow. It’s Alice Jaccod PhD work “Predator-prey plankton dynamics in turbulent wakes behind islands”, in collaboration with S. Chibbaro and S. Berti . Now published in Phys. Rev. Fluids [] and also available on Arxiv [ ].
The shape of ice

From our new preprint “Ice front shaping by upward convective current” with Ziqi Wang, Linfeng Jiang, Yihong Du, Chao Sun, Enrico Calzavarini [ ] and [ Phys. Rev. Fluids S6, L091501 (2021) ]
A slow but very elastic flow

The last preprint on Himani’s PhD work is out: Statistical properties of two-dimensional elastic turbulence, Himani Garg, Enrico Calzavarini and Stefano Berti ,
Ice on the water

In the media: on “Breaking the ice on melting and freezing” (nov. 2020)
Congrats Wenwei!
Drawing while talking at the phone
Bottom-heavy particles in turbulence
We have just wrapped up into a preprint, available on Arxiv, our collaborative study on the dynamics motion of tiny non-spherical non-homogeneous particles in a turbulent flow. In the best tradition of modern science, we try to combine experiments, numerical simulations and some calculus prediction.
A short illustrative movie of the experiment is available here [Linfeng’s movie]
A geophysical detour
A strange kind of teaching
Slightly out of equilibrium
Wenwei’s paper on the competing effects of chemical reactions and turbulent advection is out, check it here: [@PRF journal]