I have visited Daniela Mansutti and Andrea Scagliarini at Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo “Mauro Picone”
This month JPR cover :-)
Cover image: “Visualisation of copepods in turbulent flow from an individual behaviour model of jump-escape-reaction from turbulence. The background colour map pictures the instantaneous value of the fluid deformation (higher values in light colours) in a fully-resolved numerically simulated turbulent flow. White contour lines mark boundaries between so called comfort (low strain) and alert (high strain) regions. Copepods are represented as ellipsoidal bodies. Arrows indicate the direction of their instantaneous velocity, due either to fluid transport or to their intermittent jump swimming motion”. Ardeshiri et al. J. Plankton Res., 39, 878–890 (2017).
A talk in Xi’an
Many thanks to Hendong Xi who has invited me at the Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an for a visit to his group and to his Wonderful city. I love Shaanxi!
Fête de la science 2017
Our poster [here] and soon some photos too.
Merci @forum_sciences pour le prêt de cette maquette permettant d’observer des #turbulences au #villageStSo 🙂 #FDS2017 pic.twitter.com/C1yiI6xErs
— Florence Ienna (@Florence_Ienna) October 8, 2017