Internship offer: Sedimentation of microplastics in the ocean mixed layer

Title: Sedimentation of microplastics in the ocean mixed layer: numerical study of a model system

Laboratory: Unité de Mécanique de Lille J. Boussinesq, Univ. Lille Villeneuve d’Ascq, Cité Scientifique

Supervisors:  Enrico Calzavarini et Stefano Berti (Univ. Lille, ULR 7512 – Unité de Mécanique de Lille – Joseph Boussinesq (UML))

Duration: 6 months (from february/march 2023)

More informations : M2_particles_in_mixed_layer

Internship offer: analysis of sinking particle fluxes in the ocean

Visutrap device deployment off coast of California (USA) , 2021 (Courtesy of T. Briaud)

In collaboration with Dr. Tristan Biard and Laget Manon (LOG UMR 8187) we propose an analysis of field measurements of deep sea particle sinking fluxes.
Duration: 6 months
Internship main location : Laboratoire d’Océanologie et Géosciences (UMR 8187) – Wimereux – France
Internship description and application rules:  M2_internship_proposal

Kolmogorov flow

Visualization of the velocity field in a moderately turbulent Kolmogorov flow (spatial resolution 128^3). The  flow is sustained by a steady unidirectional force (here along the X axis)  with a monochromatic sinusoidal dependence proportional to  sin(k Y).  The sinusoidal profile is clearly reflected in the large scale velocity field in the X-Y planes (visible at the beginning and at the end of the movie).

Ice cubes

How does the shape of ice depend on the lateral and vertical confinement in a convective cell? In which conditions can we get the maximal amount of ice? How many possible equilibrium states can we observe for this system?  We have tried to rationalize these questions by means of simulations and experiments. Read about it in  Equilibrium states of the ice-water front in a differentially heated rectangular cell, Ziqi Wang, Enrico Calzavarini and Chao Sun [ ]  soon also on Europhys Lett.